by David E. Hess, PA Environment Digest Blog, 4/30/2019
The Senate Republican Policy Committee will take a closer look at effects of climate change disruption in Pennsylvania during a public workshop on May 1 in Harrisburg. The workshop is being held at the request of Sen. Scott Martin (R-Lancaster). Individuals scheduled to present testimony are
- Gregory Wrightstone, geologist and author. [He told the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee on March 27 140 million years of data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere shows the “planet’s CO2 [carbon dioxide] levels have been in a significant and dangerous decline. Click Here to review his comments before the House Committee.]
- Dr. David Legates, Professor of Geography, University of Delaware. [He recently testified before a Subcommittee of the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee saying, “Climate has always changed and weather is always variable, due to complex, powerful natural forces. No efforts to stabilize the climate can possibly be successful. …The current emphasis on climate change abatement will do far more harm than good.”
- Joseph Bastardi, Chief Forecaster, WeatherBELL Analytics LLC. [He is an outspoken contrarian regarding human-induced global warming and has written a book describing his views.]
“I believe that this will be an interesting conversation,” said David G. Argall (R-Schuylkill), Committee Chair. “We want to have a civil conversation where we can all sit down, discuss the real facts on this issue and have a meaningful conversation as to where Pennsylvania stands in controlling its emissions as compared to other states while also discussing the larger picture of how the United States compares in controlling its emissions compared to other countries.” “It is essential for lawmakers to understand all of the facts related to climate change so we can make decisions based on reality – not rhetoric,” said Sen. Martin. “I look forward to hearing the perspectives of experts on both sides of this issue. The results should serve as a guide for members of the General Assembly in determining what actions, if any, are necessary to address this issue.”
The meeting will be held in Room 8-EA East Wing of the Capitol from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Click Here to watch the roundtable online. More information on Committee activities can be found on the Senate Republican Policy Committee webpage.